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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


These children's books are some of my absolute favorites. They are optimistic, fun to read out loud, reassuring and clever. I also think they've helped both of my children add new words to their early vocabularies. When I read (as do many others, I'm sure) I read a few words, and then I pause and wait for my child to fill in the pause with the right word. "The bear wants"... "MORE" 
We sneak one of each of these books into every pre nap or nighttime routine. 

What books do you love reading with your children?



  1. Liam LOVES Bear Snores On! We didn't know there were more like this and I am RUNNING to the store to buy some now! I will also be wrapping them for our flight to NC! Thanks for the great ideas!!!

  2. Thanks for commenting pal! Bear's New Friend is my favorite. xo
